Feasibility of 7-T fluorine magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (19F MRSI) for TAS-102 metabolite detection in the liver of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
This pioneering study aimed to investigate the potential of 7-T 19F-MRS to detect TAS-102 metabolites in humans. The authors set out to prove that TAS-102 cannot be detected in liver metastases of metastatic colorectal cancer patients on a normal treatment schedule, thus showing that 19F-MRS TAS-102 metabolite detection is not yet useful in clinical prediction of treatment response. 19F-MRS, however, can detect TAS-102 in phantom and murine models, which is why the use of 19F-MRS remains a potential tool to noninvasively detect and monitor the metabolism when higher dosages of TAS-102 are administered.
Authors: Sophie A. Kurk, Bart R. Steensma, Anne M. May, Miriam Koopman, Hans M. Hoogduin, Tijl A. van der Velden, Dennis W. J. Klomp and Wybe J. M. van der Kemp